Ever since I can remember I have always been fascinated with flying, I would hear a airplane or helicopter fly over and I just had to look. One year for Christmas I received a flight lession i a small Cessna 150, this lead t an even bigger obsession with flying. I continue to take flight lession and even joined the Civil Air Patrol to learn more about aviation. As time went on I began to look into college for aviation, every college I went to visit I was told that I was not able make a career of flying because of wearing glass. This was a big disappointment to by but I went down the path of getting into he medical field. I went on to become a Paramedic, being a street Paramedic was good but I still had the dream to fly once again for a living. Enough time went by as a Paramedic I went on I was able to earn my flight wings working as a flight paramedic with Life Link III, I was able to fly for three years before life went a different direction for me. I transition into a ground Critical Care Paramedic role in which I still do today.
Over a year ago I won a Phantom 3 advanced drone in a drawing, I was so excited when I won this drone. I was once again able to get back into air just on a remote control level. About a year ago I was talking with a coworker who is also into drones and he asked if I had gotten my commercial license to fly drones, of course I said no. We talked about how to about getting my part 107 which I took and passed the exam last summer, from there I started up a small business doing aerial photography. I had to come up with a name for this business so my wife and I were talking about name and she said to make sure I come up with a name that people will not forget and it will get there attention. Everything I was thinking of for names was already taken, she suggested " the ambulance driver guy", I said I liked that name but said I just don't want to be stuck doing aerial photography is I suggested " the ambulance driver guy aerial photography and more".
I feel very lucky to do something that I love and am able to help people dream, I am very excited to start to work with you.